2023年金砖国家领导人会晤于8月22日至24日在南非举行。《世界观察》栏目播出圆桌访谈节目《金砖媒体对话会》。节目主持人田薇邀请两位来自金砖国家的著名媒体人,就金砖热点话题进行探讨。South Africa's Johannesburg is hosting the 15th BRICS Summit from Aug 22 to 24. On site at the summit is CGTN host Tian Wei who has presented much-discussed ideas, behind-the-scene insights, and urgently needed conversations.两位外方主持人十分资深,南非主持人Peter Ndoro在当地家喻户晓,在南非及海外拥有三十多年的媒体从业经验。巴西国宝级主持人Marcos Uchôa更是被比作巴西的白岩松,每周二都与总统卢拉有半小时的直播访谈。三国主持人就建立金砖机制的意义、全球南方国家该如何通过金砖平台达成共识、金砖各国的互学互鉴等话题进行了深入的探讨。With Tian Wei at the summit are two seasoned journalists. Peter Ndoro, anchor of BRICS Africa TV and SABC Channel Africa Radio, has more than three decades of broadcast experience in South Africa and abroad. Marcos Uchôa, a senior reporter of TV Brasil, can be likened to popular Chinese TV anchor Bai Yansong. This year, he has started working for the Brazilian public channel where he presents a weekly program. One of his show's highlights is an interview with Brazilian President Lula da Silva. Tian Wei talked about the BRICS mechanism with the two, and how interactions in the Global South could inspire mutual learning and appreciation.
如何将全球南方国家的声音以更高质量传播得更远?Uchôa认为媒体人肩负探讨社会重要议题,如社会公平、技术发展、环境问题和气候变化等的责任。在他看来,在应对气候变化方面,中国最有决心和实力去解决问题,并能在全球起到引领作用。Uchôa believes journalists have a duty to amplify the voice of the Global South on social equity, technology, environmental issues and climate change. He says China has the clout and the power to do something about these challenges.
When it comes to how countries could learn from one another, CGTN's Tian Wei cites China's experiences with reform and opening-up over the past four decades. She says the China experience is a miracle in modern history. She thinks it is fascinating that BRICS members are not casting certain models on one another, but rather use each other's experiences as inspirations.Ndoro认为,每个人都应该相信自己能够在全球平台上贡献自己的独特思想和观点。我们应为自己感到自豪,不必非得向西方看齐。Ndoro says young Africans should believe they are excellent and can contribute original ideas on the global platform. He says they don't have to look to the West, adding that America will catch up with them, if they believe in their own project.推荐阅读: